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Mar 8, 2022
Tips to Take Care of Your Tires During Summer

3 Tips to Take Care of Your Tires During Summer

California has a high-pressure climate because of the coastal mountains and greenhouse gases. Also, California gets a lot of sunshine and little rain, which means it stays hot most of the year. As your tires are constructed of rubber, this is susceptible to both hot and cold temperatures. Constant exposure to heat degrades rubber. The combination of heat, sunlight, and road friction dries out the rubber’s natural oils and makes it brittle. Furthermore, tires can succumb to “heart rot” — humidity-induced cracking, splitting, or leaking – long before their tread wears out in extreme circumstances. Before summer hits California, let us learn from this blog by San Leandro in CA how to take care of tires during summer.

Keep Your Tires Tidy to Take Care of Your Tires from Hot and Humid Summer

To assist your tires in weathering the summer heat, clean them periodically and treat them with a protectant. They will not dry or wear out as soon as you keep them clean and waxed.  

Using a tire cleaning spray and brush, you can clean your tires at home. You can also go to an automatic car wash that offers tire cleaning or hire an auto detailer to clean your car professionally (inside and out).  

Check Your Tires Monthly  

Tire pressure reduces one psi for every 10-degree change in air temperature, and tires can lose up to 1 psi every month. Keeping an eye on your tire monthly will protect your tires from sudden damage. If needed, you can schedule a service from us. 

Do Not Forget to Rotate Your Tires  

Tire rotation is an essential part of automotive maintenance. Every 5,000-8,000 miles, it should be done. The technician will rotate the tires while inspecting the tread and tire pressure for safety, giving you the peace of mind that comes with knowing your automobile is safe and roadworthy.   

Are you planning to purchase a new vehicle? Visit us at San Leandro Kia, CA. For any further queries, contact us today.